Nutiteq is now part of CARTO! Please use latest CARTO Mobile SDK for new projects. Nutiteq SDK 3.x support and updates ended in 2017, documentation here is outdated.
Here you can find many basic tasks needed in almost any map app, and some more advanced tasks. Make sure you have learned the basics from "getting started" guides first.
a) Basics
- Android vs iOS API differences
- Adding objects to the map : markers, points, lines, polygons, texts and balloon popups
- Listen events - get events for map and object touches and map movements
- Balloon labels - open/close "popup" labels with object data
b) Advanced tasks
- Upgrading from Nutiteq SDK 2.4 - steps for typical app to use SDK 3.x
- Nutiteq Maps Offline - how to download offline map packages from Nutiteq Maps service
- Data sources - how to define custom map content
- Ground Overlays - useful for floor plans, indoor maps etc
- How to create MBTiles offline packages
- List of raster tile sources
- Routing: online and offline - find fastest way, get directions and show on map
- Vector Styles - customizing map style for base map
- Clustering - using marker clusters for large number of POIs
- Frequently Asked Questions - about billing, features etc