Nutiteq is now part of CARTO! Please use latest CARTO Mobile SDK for new projects. Nutiteq SDK 3.x support and updates ended in 2017, documentation here is outdated.

Data sources

Following DataSources are available for Nutiteq SDK 3.x on all supported platforms (iOS, Android and others).

Some DataSources are more universal and could be used for different data types and Layers: vector or raster, others can be used for specific layer type only.

1. Offline maps from MBTiles

MBTilesTileDataSource is universal datasource for vector or raster data, so it can be used two ways.

a) MBtiles as RasterTileLayer

For raster data it needs MBTiles format files, see MBTiles guide with list of some tools and sources to generate them.

   // file-based local offline datasource
   NSString* fullpathVT = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MBTILESFILENAME" ofType:@"mbtiles"];
   NTTileDataSource* tileDataSource = [[NTMBTilesTileDataSource alloc] initWithPath: fullpathVT];
   // Initialize a raster layer with the previous data source
   NTRasterTileLayer* rasterLayer = [[NTRasterTileLayer alloc] initWithDataSource:tileDataSource];
   // Add the raster layer to the map
   [[mapView getLayers] add:rasterLayer];

  // Create tile data source.
  MBTilesTileDataSource tileDataSource = new MBTilesTileDataSource(filePath);
  // Create layer and add to map
  TileLayer rasterLayer = new RasterTileLayer(tileDataSource);

// NB!: the path to file is platfrom-specific.

var mbTilesLayer = new RasterTileLayer (new MBTilesTileDataSource (filePath));
mapView.Layers.Add (mbTilesLayer);

b) MBtiles as VectorTileLayer

For own packaged vector data you need Nutiteq specific vector files packages (NTVTNutiTeq Vector Tile) and styling files in Mapnik XML format. Here is free sample packages with OpenStreetMap data:

Nutiteq SDK provides built-in download service called Package Manager to get the map packages for a country or smaller region easily, this is described in separate page: learn more . Sample here is for case when you have own generated MBTiles file with vector data.

Vector maps needs always proper style definition. You can find compatible stylesheet files from sample code, these are zip files which have Mapnik XML styling with resources (fonts, images) inside. You can use ones with sample projects, e.g. OSMBright with 3D buildings See Vector Tile Styling for details about styling.

  // 1. define file-based local offline datasource
  NSString* fullpathVT = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"estonia_ntvt" ofType:@"mbtiles"];
  NTTileDataSource* tileDataSource = [[NTMBTilesTileDataSource alloc] initWithMinZoom:0 maxZoom:4 path: fullpathVT];
  // 2. Load vector tile styleset
  UnsignedCharVector *vectorTileStyleSetData = [NTAssetUtils loadBytes: @""];
  NTMBVectorTileStyleSet *vectorTileStyleSet = [[NTMBVectorTileStyleSet alloc] initWithData:vectorTileStyleSetData];
  // 3. Create vector tile decoder using the styleset
  NTMBVectorTileDecoder *vectorTileDecoder = [[NTMBVectorTileDecoder alloc] initWithStyleSet:vectorTileStyleSet];
  // 4. Create vector tile layer, using previously created data source and decoder
  NTVectorTileLayer *vectorTileLayer = [[NTVectorTileLayer alloc] initWithDataSource:vectorTileDataSource decoder:vectorTileDecoder];
  // 5. Add vector tile layer
  [[mapView getLayers] add:vectorTileLayer];
  // 1. Create tile data source from mbtiles file
  MBTilesTileDataSource tileDataSource = new MBTilesTileDataSource("/sdcard/estonia_ntvt.mbtiles");

  // 2. Load vector tile styleset
  UnsignedCharVector styleBytes = AssetUtils.loadBytes("");
  MBVectorTileStyleSet vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);
  // 3. Create vector tile decoder using the styleset
  VectorTileDecoder vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);
  // 4. Create vector tile layer, using previously created data source and decoder
  TileLayer vectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer(tileDataSource, vectorTileDecoder);

  // 5. Add vector tile layer

// 1. Create tile data source from mbtiles file
var tileDataSource = new MBTilesTileDataSource("/sdcard/mapxt/estonia_ntvt.mbtiles");

// 2. Load vector tile styleset
var styleBytes = AssetUtils.LoadBytes("");
var vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);

// 3. Create vector tile decoder using the styleset
var vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);

// 4. Create vector tile layer, using previously created data source and decoder
var vectorTileLayer = new VectorTileLayer(tileDataSource, vectorTileDecoder);

// 5. Add vector tile layer

2. Online maps

HTTPTileDataSource is also universal datasource for vector or raster data.

a) Nutiteq online Vector Tile Layer

Nutiteq SDK provides support for built-in vector tiles, as provided by Nutiteq Maps as a Service packages and it is available for all plans. This is suitable as universial base map.

For vector styling you use exactly same file as for offline tiles, see above.

NTVectorTileLayer* vectorTileLayer = [[NTNutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer alloc] initWithStyleAssetName:@""];
[[mapView getLayers] add:vectorTileLayer];
// Create base layer. Use vector style from assets (
VectorTileLayer baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");
// Create base layer. Use vector style from assets (
var baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");

b) Web (HTTP) tiles as VectorTileLayer

With Nutiteq Starter, Pro or Enterprise plans you can use also other vector tile map data sources. It is similar to custom raster map data sources, only adding vector decoder is needed.

Here we connect to MapBox vector tiles, which have very similar (but not identical) data structure, so we can use same vector styling. Before using this in your app please check also from MapBox if they allow this, and make sure you use your MapBox key in URL. You may need to use your own vector tile server URL, and your suitable styling instead.

Following tags are supported in URL definition: zoom, x, y, xflipped, yflipped, quadkey.

// 1. define data source
NTTileDataSource* tileDataSource = [[NTHTTPTileDataSource alloc] initWithMinZoom:0 maxZoom:14 baseURL:@"{zoom}/{x}/{y}.vector.pbf?access_token=YOUR-MAPBOX-TOKEN"];

// 2. Load vector tile styleset
NTUnsignedCharVector *vectorTileStyleSetData = [NTAssetUtils loadBytes: @""];
NTMBVectorTileStyleSet *vectorTileStyleSet = [[NTMBVectorTileStyleSet alloc] initWithData:vectorTileStyleSetData];

// 3. Create vector tile decoder using the styleset
NTMBVectorTileDecoder *vectorTileDecoder = [[NTMBVectorTileDecoder alloc] initWithStyleSet:vectorTileStyleSet];
// 4. Create vector tile layer, using previously created data source and decoder
NTVectorTileLayer *vectorTileLayer = [[NTVectorTileLayer alloc] initWithDataSource:tileDataSource decoder:vectorTileDecoder];

// 5. Add vector tile layer
[[mapView getLayers] add:vectorTileLayer];

// 1. define data source
TileDataSource vectorTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 14, "{zoom}/{x}/{y}.vector.pbf?access_token=YOUR-MAPBOX-TOKEN");

// 2. Create style set
MBVectorTileStyleSet vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);
MBVectorTileDecoder vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);

// 3. Create layer and add to map

TileLayer baseLayer = new VectorTileLayer(vectorTileDataSource, vectorTileDecoder);
// 1. define data source
var vectorTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(0, 14, "{zoom}/{x}/{y}.vector.pbf?access_token=YOUR-MAPBOX-TOKEN");

// 2. Create style set
var styleBytes = AssetUtils.LoadBytes("");
var vectorTileStyleSet = new MBVectorTileStyleSet(styleBytes);
var vectorTileDecoder = new MBVectorTileDecoder(vectorTileStyleSet);

// 3. Create layer and add to map

var baseLayer = new VectorTileLayer(vectorTileDataSource, vectorTileDecoder);

b) Web (HTTP) tiles as RasterTileLayer

For online raster tiles you can use any common web tiles in PNG or JPG formats, in Spherical Mercator system. See our Raster tile sources list .

Following tags are supported in URL definition: zoom, x, y, xflipped, yflipped, quadkey.

// Initialize a OSM raster data source from MapQuest Open Tiles
NTHTTPTileDataSource* baseRasterTileDataSource = [[NTHTTPTileDataSource alloc] initWithMinZoom:0 maxZoom:19 baseURL:@"{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"];
// Initialize a raster layer with the previous data source
NTRasterTileLayer* rasterLayer = [[NTRasterTileLayer alloc] initWithDataSource:baseRasterTileDataSource];
// Add the previous raster layer to the map
[[mapView getLayers] add:rasterLayer];

// Create a Bing raster data source. Note: tiles start from level 1, there is no single root tile!
TileDataSource baseRasterTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(1, 19, "{quadkey}.jpeg?g=471&mkt=en-US");

TileLayer baseLayer = new RasterTileLayer(baseRasterTileDataSource);


// Create a Bing raster data source. Note: tiles start from level 1, there is no single root tile!
var baseRasterTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(1, 19, "{quadkey}.jpeg?g=471&mkt=en-US");

// create layer and add to map
var baseLayer = new RasterTileLayer(baseRasterTileDataSource);

3. Application-defined vector overlay

Nutiteq SDK has in-memory datasources where application can add vector objects which are shown on map as overlay layer.

LocalVectorDataSource is a dynamic data source that is empty initially and supports adding/removing objects. Objects are kept in local memory and the state is not persistent. By default, all added objects are always rendered. For detailed code samples see map data overlay page, this has samples how to add Points, Markers, Texts, Lines and Polygons to map.

4. Application-defined ground overlays

Nutiteq SDK supports Ground Overlays – bitmaps (PNG, JPG etc) which are put to map to your defined location. Most commonly this is used for indoor floorplans, but it can be used also for other cases.

BitmapOverlayRasterTileDataSource defines bitmap image, and geographical coordinates of the bitmap. See Ground Overlay guide for more info.

5. Virtual data sources

There are some DataSources which take another DataSource as input, do internal logic or processing and output DataSource itself. This way you can pipe datasources to have customized logic.

  • PersistentCacheTileDataSource

Caches HTTP tiles to a persistent sqlite database file. If tile exists in the database, then request to original data source is skipped. Can be used for both raster and vector tiles. The data source takes original source’s expires headers into account.

// Initialize a OSM raster data source from MapQuest Open Tiles
NTHTTPTileDataSource* baseRasterTileDataSource = [[NTHTTPTileDataSource alloc] initWithMinZoom:0 maxZoom:19 baseURL:@"{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png"];
// Create persistent cache for the given data source  
NTPersistentCacheTileDataSource* cachedRasterTileDataSource = [[NTPersistentCacheTileDataSource alloc] initWithDataSource:baseRasterTileDataSource databasePath:[NTAssetUtils calculateWritablePath:@"mycache.db"]];
// Initialize a raster layer with the previous data source
NTRasterTileLayer* rasterLayer = [[NTRasterTileLayer alloc] initWithDataSource:cachedRasterTileDataSource];

// Add the previous raster layer to the map
[[self.mapView getLayers] add:rasterLayer];

// Create a Bing raster data source. Note: tiles start from level 1, there is no single root tile!
TileDataSource baseRasterTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(1, 19, "{quadkey}.jpeg?g=471&mkt=en-US");

// Add persistent caching datasource, tiles will be stored locally on persistent storage
PersistentCacheTileDataSource cachedDataSource = 
  new PersistentCacheTileDataSource(baseRasterTileDataSource, getExternalFilesDir(null)+"/mapcache.db");

// Create layer and add to map
TileLayer baseLayer = new RasterTileLayer(cachedDataSource);

// Create a Bing raster data source. Note: tiles start from level 1, there is no single root tile!
var baseRasterTileDataSource = new HTTPTileDataSource(1, 19, "{quadkey}.jpeg?g=471&mkt=en-US");

// Add persistent caching datasource, tiles will be stored locally on persistent storage
// fileDir must be a directory where files can be written - this is platform-specific
var cachedDataSource = 
  new PersistentCacheTileDataSource(baseRasterTileDataSource, fileDir+"/mapcache.db");

// create layer and add to map
var baseLayer = new RasterTileLayer(cachedDataSource);
  • CompressedCacheTileDataSource

An in-memory cache data source. Though layers also cache tiles, the tiles are uncompressed and usually take 2-5x more memory after being loaded. CompressedCacheTileDataSource keeps all tiles in compressed format and thus makes better use of existing memory.

  • CombinedTileDataSource

A tile data source that combines two data sources (usually offline and online) and selects tiles based on zoom level. All requests below specified zoom level are directed to the first data source and all requests at or above specified zoom level are directed to the second data source.

6. Other built-in data sources

  • AssetTileDataSource – loads offline tiles data from a folder (/sdcard or Application sandbox, depends on platform). You can use for example zoom/x/y.png or zoom_x_y.png file naming structures for offline data.
  • NMLModelLODTreeOnlineDataSource – uses NMLDB online API for “3D city” layer. 3D tools are provided as commercial service, contact Nutiteq to get more info about it.
  • NMLModelLODTreeSqliteDataSource – An offline version of NMLModelLODTreeOnlineDataSource, model info is kept in sqlite database file. Note that simple individual 3D objects (NML models) can be added to usual LocalVectorDataSource.

7. Shapefiles, GeoTIFF an other GIS data dources

With the GIS extension we provide OGRVectorDataSource and GDALRasterTileDataSource which can open ESRI Shapefile, GeoTIFF, KML, GML, GPX, MapInfo and many other GIS vector and raster formats directly. Your code just defines file and layer to be used. Nutiteq provides it as commercial package, also free evaluation is avaliable, email [email protected] to get it.

8. Custom data sources

Last but not least – your application can define own Data Sources.

See MyMergedRasterTileDataSource in samples to get example for virtual datasource which takes raster data from two raster datasources and merges the map in pixel level. Note that the second datasources should have a lot of transparent or semitransparent pixels, or the pixels from the first datasource will be hidden.

Custom DataSource should extend one of following abstract base classes:

  • TileDataSource – for tiles (raster or vector)
  • VectorDataSource – for vector objects
  • CacheTileDataSource – for custom tile caching (it is a TileDataSource)